Our skin is at the mercy of many forces as we age: sun, harsh weather, and bad habits. Skin ages also depend on a variety of factors: lifestyle, diet, heredity, and other personal habits. You might notice wrinkles, age spots and dryness as you age. After the age of 20, a person produces about 1 percent less collagen in the skin each year. As a result, the skin becomes thinner and more fragile with age. Your skin also will lose fat, making it less plump and smooth.
A natural way to defy your age by Redoxy
Redoxy is characterized by a unique composition of milk peptide, hyaluronic acid, allantoin, salmon peptide, alpha-lipoic acid, collagen, growth factors, ascorbic acid (vitamin C), kojic acid, tocopherol (vitamin E) and hydroxylated lecithin. It specifically designed proprietary blend infused with micro-mineralized nutrient technology (micro-cluster) for women and men to help their skin stay supple and fresh-looking.
在老化的过程中,有许多因素对皮肤造成伤害,当中包括:阳光照晒ˎ 恶劣的天气和不良的生活作息。除此之外,其它因素如:生活方式ˎ 饮食ˎ 遗传以及个人的生活习惯也将导致皮肤老化。您会发现随着年龄的增长皱纹ˎ老年斑和皮肤干燥问题渐渐出现。体内的胶原蛋白的生产在20岁过后,每年减少 1.5巴仙。因此,皮肤变得较薄和脆弱。您的肌肤脂肪也将减少,皮肤变得不那么饱满和柔滑。
Redoxy 由多种独特的成分配制而成。Redoxy的成份包含了牛奶肽(Milk Peptide)、透明质酸(Hyaluronic acid)、尿囊素 (Allantoin ) 、鲑鱼肽(Salmon Peptide)、α-硫辛酸(Alpha Lipoic Acid )、胶原蛋白(Collagen)、生长因子(Growth Factors)、抗坏血酸(维生素C)Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) 、曲酸(Kojic Acid)、生育酚(维生素E)Vitamin E (tocopherol) 和羟基化卵磷脂(hydroxylated lecithin)。独特的成分再注入微矿化营养技术(micro-mineralized nutrient technology)或称之为微集群(micro-cluster)技术,有效帮助男性和女性保持水嫩亮白和有活力的肌肤。
Redoxy blended with Microclusters allow these nutrients to penetrate deeply and nourish the cell lining. Micro-clustered technology also reduces the ace tension of Redoxy, this increases the absorption of nutrients into the collagen matrix of the skin.
It is a bio-active polypeptides (cytokines) obtained from milk. Milk peptide important for regenerative care of mature skin. Milk peptide also reduces the visible signs of aging by inducing the production of extracellular matrix molecules in the dermis, such as collagen type 1, hyaluronic acid and fibronectin, making the skin firmer and improving its elasticity. In addition, milk peptide quickly and effectively reduces wrinkle depth and enhances the overall structure of the skin.
牛奶肽是从牛奶中提取的生物活性多肽(细胞因子)。它能帮助成熟性皮肤的细胞再生恢复。同时,牛奶肽也可让皮肤更加紧致并增强弹性,从而减少明显的老化痕 迹。因为,它能促进胶原蛋白的合成,促进透明质酸的合成和促进纤维蛋白的合成等。牛奶肽能减少皮肤皱纹深度,改善皮肤的整体结构。
Hyaluronic acid
Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring polysaccharide (carbohydrate) in the human body. Its molecule can carry 500 times more of water molecule. Therefore, it currently recognized as the best moisturizing ingredients. It’s present in large amounts in the spaces between skin cells, where it provides moisture, plumpness, firmness and suppleness to the skin. It’s also important for anti –wrinkles, delay skin aging process and best in skin care product.
Allantoin found in botanical extracts of the comfrey plant. Allantoin increases the smoothness of the skin; promotes cell replication; and promotes the healing of wounds, burns, and scars.
Salmon Peptide
Salmon peptide stimulates new skin cells, nourish skin, reduce skin wrinkles, making skin look younger. It also plays a role in control of the oil production and tightens pores smaller.
Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA)
ALA is excellent at decreasing the appearance of lines and wrinkles; its capacity to regulate production of nitric oxide, which controls blood flow to the skin, transforms the complexion from dull, pasty and pale to vibrant and glowing.
α-硫辛酸可以减少细纹和皱纹。它也可以调节一氧化氮(nitric oxide)的产生,因此帮助控制皮肤的血液循环,让皮肤色泽从暗沉和苍白变更荣光焕发。
Collagen is a film-former and can hold many times its own weight in water so it protects the skin from moisture loss. Therefore, it is an excellent water binding ingredient that holds the skin’s natural hydration, keeping the skin looking soft and plump. It provides elasticity and a smooth appearance of skin. The collagen blended with micro-clustered technology (1/1000 the size of the standard collagen particle) absorbs instantly and easily penetrates the skin to rejuvenate from within.
胶原蛋白含亲水性的天然保湿因子,而且三螺旋结构能强劲锁住水分,让皮肤时刻保持湿润、水嫩的状态。当胶原蛋白被皮肤吸收后,填充在皮肤真皮之间,增加皮 肤紧密度,产生皮肤张力,缩小毛孔,使皮肤紧绷而富有弹性。结合了微集群技术的胶原蛋白(1/1000和普通的胶原蛋白相比)更快速和容易被皮肤吸收,让 皮肤瞬间恢复活力。
Growth Factors
Growth factors can help improve the appearance and health of the skin by evening out blotchiness, enhancing elasticity, minimizing surface roughness, and reducing fine lines and wrinkles.
Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C)
Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant for the skin, responsible for the production of collagen. Topically, Vitamin C strengthens the skin’s barrier response, reducing moisture loss, strengthens skin’s repair mechanisms and reduces inflammation.
Kojic Acid
Kojic acid obstructs the production of melanin by inhibiting tyrosinase enzyme. It especially targets melanin caused by UVB radiation. Therefore, kojic acid can be used to fade signs of hyperpigmentation like acne spots, age spots, freckles, dark circles under eyes and dark spots.
曲酸是一种黑色素专属性抑制剂,它阻止酪氨酸酶(tyrosinase enzyme)的活化,从而抑制黑色素的形成。曲酸针对造成黑色素形成的紫外线辐射(UVB)。它也特别针对色素沉着问题如:青春痘疤痕、老人斑、雀斑、黑眼圈和黑斑问题。
Vitamin E (tocopherol)
Vitamin E (or often known as, Tocopherol) has a protecting action against UV radiation. Vitamin E also enhances and helps with the penetration of other compounds into the skin and is itself well absorbed by human skin.
Hydroxylated Lecithin
Hydroxylated lecithin act as a penetration enhancer. It plays an important role in a cell’s metabolism. It helps to protect and preserve cells, resulting in a more youthful look.
The Power of Redoxy
Redoxy 的好处:
- Anti-aging: Reduces wrinkles & fine lines, protect skin from the sun.
- Anti-oxidation: Quench free radicals.
- Hydrating: Locks in skin cells moisture for long hours, shrink skin pores
- Boosting: Enhance production of collagen.
- Repairing: Helps scars and marks to heal.
- Rejuvenating: Make skin firmer, smoother and younger.
- Brightening: Lighten pigmentation, improve skin’s tone and texture.
- Firming: Improve skin elasticity.
- Penetrating: Micro-clustered technology allows nutrients to penetrate deeply and nourish the cell.
Redoxy 的好处:
- 抗老化:减少皱纹和细纹,保护皮肤免受阳光的照晒。
- 抗氧化:帮助皮肤细胞抵抗自由基。
- 保湿:长时间帮助皮肤细胞锁住水分,缩小毛孔。
- 活化细胞:促进胶原蛋白再生,让肌肤丰嫩和富有弹性。
- 修复皮肤:修复疤痕,抚平皱纹。
- 皮肤年轻化:帮助皮肤紧致平滑,常保年轻。
- 亮肤:淡化黑斑,改善皮肤的色泽和质感。
- 弹性度:增加皮肤的弹性。
- 渗透性:微集群技术将营养成分更充分的被细胞吸收。
如何使用 Redoxy?
- 使用室温水将皮肤清洗干净。
- 然后,使用爽肤水以调和皮肤的pH值(有或无使用爽肤水均可)。
- 早晚使用Redoxy于色素凝集的部位,并在该部位揉圈圈。
- 早晚使用Redoxy于皱纹和细纹的部位,并在该部位揉圈圈。\
- 早晚使用Redoxy于毛孔较大的部位,并在该部位揉圈圈。
- 早晚使用Redoxy于眼袋和黑眼圈的部位,并在该部位轻轻向外拉。
- 早晚使用Redoxy于颈纹的部位,并在该部位轻轻向上拉。
- 早晚使用Redoxy于身体所有部分,并在该部位轻轻向上拉。
- 对中性皮肤,将Redoxy摇匀,位于脸部周围,滴4滴后,再轻轻的往上方拉,直到Redoxy完全被吸收为止。
- 对干性皮肤,将Redoxy摇匀,位于脸部周围,滴5滴后,再轻轻的往上方拉,直到Redoxy完全被吸收为止。
- 对油性、敏感性和混合性皮肤,位于手心,滴4滴后,再涂上脸部周围,轻轻的往上方拉,直到Redoxy完全被吸收为止。
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019-4225511 wechat: William-lee9
wechat: liz_heng
E-mail: lizheng@findwo.com
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