2° – ACTIVATOR Hydro
Deep Penetrating Action – Micro Mineralized Nutrient Technology (MMNT)
Does your skin have sufficient moisture?
Water is important to the mechanics of the human body as it makes up more than two thirds of the human body weight.
2° 滋润霜
水是生命之源,而人体平均的70% 由水组成。
2° – ACTIVATOR Hydro
Teknologi Nutrien Mineral Mikro (MMNT) memberikan penghidratan yang mendalam kepada kulit.
Adakah kulit anda mempunyai kelembapan yang mencukupi?
Air adalah penting untuk tubuh manusia; ia membentuk lebih daripada dua pertiga berat tubuh badan manusia.
Water is an essential component for our body as it depends on water to thrive and survive. Besides that, blood is composed of about 90% water, which carries nutrients and oxygen throughout our body. Every cell, tissue and organ in our body needs water to function optimally. Our body uses water to maintain its temperature, remove waste, and lubricate joints. Water is, therefore, needed for good health.
Water makes up more than half of our body weight. It is expelled each day when we go to the bathroom, sweat and even when we breathe. Our body loses even more water when the weather is really hot. Consequently, we will become dehydrated if we do not replace the water we have lost.
‘Global warming’ is the term used to describe the gradual increase of the average temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere and this has resulted in the Earth’s climate changing permanently. In a report by Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 2014 (IPCC), scientists have highlighted that more than 95% of global warming is caused by increased concentrations of greenhouse gases and other anthropogenic activities.
The rising temperature on Earth does not bode well for humans, as it will adversely affect us by changing our skin conditions. “Today, the sun is brighter than it has been in the last four centuries,” explains Drew Shindell, Ph.D., a scientist at the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies. In 2009, 114 countries signed the ‘Copenhagen Accord,’ a non-binding agreement that recognizes the scientific view that the increase of global temperature should be below two degrees Celsius.
Dry, dehydrated skin can be a temporary condition or a lifelong concern. Dry skin is either hereditary or a product of an increasingly stressful lifestyle coupled with continual exposure to the sun, wind and chemicals in the environment. Either way, it is an unpleasant condition for anyone to deal with.
Cold winds and low temperatures can dry skin out, particularly for people who are always in air-conditioned areas. This will result in depriving the skin of a balanced level of oils and subsequently, lead to premature aging. Quite similarly, a prolonged exposure to the sun causes our skin to lose moisture. To paint a clearer picture: warm and dry air acts like a sponge, soaking up moisture from every surface it touches.
Many people have the mistaken notion that oily skin is impervious to dehydration. This is simply untrue as even oily skin is can be dehydrated. What we need to know is that dehydration is due to lack of water, not oil. This means that the sebaceous glands can still secrete oil or even be overactive in dehydrated skin.
Water is absolutely necessary for our skin. Products that emphasize the importance of ‘deep moisturizing’ or ‘deep hydration’ will no doubt pique our interest. However, a product that promises to moisturize does not necessarily mean it hydrates.
Our skin does not absorb water molecules easily; they only remain on the epidermis of our skin. A majority of skincare products only provide moisture via oil and are unable to deliver hydration to the dermal layer of our skin. Hence, this still causes dryness to the skin.
2° Activator Hydro enhances the rate of moisture absorption to achieve a deep moisturizing effect. With MMNT, our skin will easily absorb fine water molecules and be deeply moisturized. The natural ingredients of 2° Activator Hydro act as anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging, and anti-allergy agents.
水是构成人体最重要的成分,如血液,淋巴液以及身体的分泌物等都与水有关,水大约占据了人体70% 的体重。血液中含水量约90%以上,我们进食后,吞咽,消化,输送养分,以及排泄废物,各个环节,都需要水的帮助才能顺利进行。
和保湿概念不同的是,2° 滋润霜更注重于让肌肤可以吸收水分,达到深层滋润的效果。
Badan kita memerlukan air untuk terus hidup. Darah terdiri daripada 90% air dan ia membawa nutrien dan oksigen ke seluruh badan. Setiap sel, tisu dan organ dalam badan kita memerlukan air untuk berfungsi dengan baik. Badan kita memerlukan air untuk mengekalkan suhu badan, menyingkirkan sisa toksin badan, dan melincirkan sendi. Justeru itu, air sangat diperlukan untuk memelihara kesihatan yang baik.
Air membentuk lebih separuh daripada berat badan kita. Tubuh kita kehilangan air setiap hari melalui system perkumuhan dan juga apabila anda bernafas. Tubuh kita kehilangan air lebih cepat apabila cuaca panas. Tubuh kita akan mengalami dehidrasi jika kita tidak menggantikan air yang telah hilang.
Pemanasan global 2 ° adalah istilah yang digunakan untuk menggambarkan peningkatan beransur-ansur suhu purata atmosfera Bumi dan menyebabkan iklim Bumi berubah selama-lamanya. Dalam laporan Panel Antara Kerajaan mengenai Perubahan Iklim 2014 (IPCC) saintis mendapati bahawa lebih daripada 95% pemanasan global adalah disebabkan oleh kepekatan peningkatan gas rumah hijau dan lain-lain aktiviti manusia (antropogenik).
Suhu yang semakin meningkat di Bumi akan memberi kesan kepada kita secara langsung dengan mengubah kelembapan kulit kita. “Hari ini, matahari adalah lebih cerah dan terang daripada empat abad yang lalu,” jelas Drew Shindell, Ph.D., seorang saintis di NASA Goddard Institut Kajian Space.
Pada tahun 2009, 114 negara menandatangani “Perjanjian Copenhagen,” iaitu perjanjian yang mengiktiraf “pandangan saintifik bahawa peningkatan suhu global boleh di bawah 2 darjah Celsius.”
Kekeringan dan dehidrasi kulit merupakan masalah sementara dan boleh juga kekal berterusan. Kulit kering boleh di warisi secara genetik atau daripada gaya hidup yang semakin tertekan ditambah pula dengan pendedahan berterusan kepada cahaya matahari, angin dan bahan kimia dari persekitaran.
Angin sejuk dan suhu rendah boleh mengeringkan kulit terutama mereka yang terdedahkan kepada penyaman udara untuk tempoh masa yang panjang. Ini akan menjejaskan tahap keseimbangan minyak, dan menyebabkan penuaan pra-matang. Pendedahan yang berpanjangan kepada cahaya matahari menyebabkan air mengewap daripada kulit. Udara yang panas dan kering seperti span dengan menyerap kelembapan apabila disentuh.
Kulit yang berminyak juga boleh mengalami dehidrasi. Dehidrasi adalah disebabkan oleh kekurangan air, bukan minyak. Ini bermakna aktiviti minyak sebaceous masih boleh menjadi normal atau terlalu aktif pada kulit kering.
Penghidratan adalah sangat penting untuk kulit. Mana-mana produk dengan perkataan “kelembapan” atau “penghidratan” akan mendapat perhatian pengguna.
Kulit kita tidak mudah menyerap molekul air; ia hanya kekal pada epidermis kulit. Kebanyakan produk penjagaan kulit hanya memberi kelembapan dengan minyak dan tidak mampu untuk memberikan penghidratan kepada dermis kulit. Juster itu, masih menyebabkan kekeringan pada kulit.
2 ° Activator Hydro meningkatkan penyerapan kulit untuk mencapai kesan kelembapan yang mendalam. Dengan MMNT, kulit akan mudah menyerap molekul air yang halus dan dengan itu mencapai kesan kelembapan yang mendalam. Bahan-bahan semulajadi daripada 2 ° Activator Hydro dapat mengukuhkan fungsi anti-oksida, anti-radang, anti-penuaan dan anti-alergi.
Aqua, Cyclopentasiloxane & Cyclohexasiloxane, Glycerin, Dimethicone & Dimethicone/Peg-10/15 Crosspolymer, Butylene Glycol, Sodium Chloride, Propanediol, Mmnt, Boerhavia Diffusa Root Extract, Centella Asiatica Extract, Polygonum Cuspidatum Root Extract, Scutellaria Baicalensis Root Extract, Camellia Sinensis Leaf Extract, Glycyrrhiza Glabra Root Extract, Chamomilla Recutita Flower Extract, Rosmarinus Officinalis Leaf Extract, Sodium Hy Aluronate, Fragrance, Phenoxyethanol, Ethylhexylglycerin
Benefit of 2° Hydro ACTIVATOR
- Protection from senescence
- Soothing and Anti-oxidant
- Skin repairing
- Skin firming
- Whitening
- Hydrating and Moisturizing
ACTIVATOR Hydro 的功效:
- 舒缓肌肤
- 抗氧化
- 修复肌肤
- 紧致肌肤
- 美白
- 补水和保湿
Steps to apply H2° Hydro ACTIVATOR on face
- Clean your skin thoroughly with room temperature water.
- Apply toner to balance your skin pH (or with H+) day and night.
- Apply Redoxy after toner or H+ day and night.
- Apply Hydro ACTIVATOR day and night after Redoxy to enhance moisturizing.
H2° Hydro ACTIVATOR 使用说明:
- 首先把脸部清洗干净。
- 然后使用爽肤水以调和皮肤的pH 值(或使用H+)
- 再来就使用 Redoxy 。
- 接着,将适量的 Hydro ACTIVATOR 擦在脸上。
Boerhavia Diffusa Root Extract
Acts an as antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent
Centalla Asiatica Extract
Heals wounds and promotes collagen production in the dermis
Polygonum Cuspidatum Root Extract
Acts as an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agent
Scutellaria Baicalensis Root Extract
Known as the ‘beauty source’; inhibits allergies and inflammation
Camellia Sinensis Leaf Extract
Acts as an anti-aging, anti-radiation, antioxidant agent and removes free radicals
Glycyrrhiza Glabra Root Extract
Acts as an anti-ulcer, anti-inflammatory and antiviral agent
Chamomilla Recutita Flower Extract
Acts as an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and soothing agent
Rosmarinus Officinalis Leaf Extract
Removes excess facial fat, acts as a firming, antibacterial and antioxidant agent and slows down the aging process
Sodium Hyaluronate
Aids in strong moisture absorption, heals wounds, is an anti-inflammatory agent and moisturizes skin to prevent chapped skin and wrinkles
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