W+ REOX series

Youth of woman determined by the level of female hormones
Female hormones (estrogen & progesterone) are a beautiful gift from God. It allows a woman to have an attractive body, look younger, and the ability to produce healthy children; maintain bone density and provide good support for cardiovascular and memory brain functions. With the increasing of age, “ovary” that produces hormones is shrinking. Secretion capacity is declining, making the aging sex organs, shrinkage, declining function, dark skin, body shape changes, lack of enthusiasm and the quality of sexual intercourse decreased.

女性荷尔蒙(雌激素及黄体素)是上天赐给女性最奇妙的礼物。它让女性拥有娇美的体态、年轻的容貌、良好的生殖能力,并对维持女性骨密度、心血管功能 及大脑记忆力提供了莫大帮助。但随年龄增长,女性荷尔蒙的制造者“卵巢”逐渐萎缩。分泌能力逐渐降低,使女性器官组织老化、萎缩、功能衰退,皮肤暗淡、身 材变形、精神不佳,性生活质量降低。

  • Age 21-22 is the peak secretion of female hormones. 21-22岁是女性荷尔蒙分泌最顶峰时期.
  • Around age 30, secretion of female hormones is 85% of the peak. 30岁左右时,体内荷尔蒙的分泌量只有颠峰期的85%.
  • At the age of 40, approximately 30% loss of function. 40岁时,大约有 30%的功能丧失了.
  • At the age of 50, 40% of the functionality is lost. 50岁时,约40%的功能丧失.
  • At the age of 60, compared with only one-quarter of youth. 60岁时,只有年轻人的1/4左右.

The body will be on alert when hormone deficiency, it will cause:
  • menstrual abnormalities
  • depression
  • Osteoporosis
  • Gynecological diseases, such as vaginitis, cervicitis, uterine meningitis, salpingitis, uterine fibroids
  • difficulty pregnancy
  • cardiovascular disease
  • Urinary tract infections
  • breast disease
  • Sagging breasts
  • obesity
  • wrinkles
  • Black patches of skin
  • Dry and rough skin


  • 经期异常
  • 精神抑郁
  • 骨质疏松
  • 妇科疾病,如阴道炎、宫颈炎、子宫内膜炎、输卵管炎、子宫肌瘤
  • 困难怀孕
  • 心血管疾病
  • 泌尿感染
  • 乳腺疾病
  • 胸部下垂
  • 肥胖
  • 皱纹
  • 黑斑
  • 皮肤粗燥


Ingredients for women to rejuvenate ~ W+
W+ is an ingredient designed specifically for women to rejuvenate, these ingredients have combined a variety of natural plant extracts and injected with new technology from Japan which is Micro-mineralised Nutrient Technology (MMNT) or so-called technology micro-cluster to help regulates the secretion of female hormones and hormone balance, rejuvenation, allowing women to maintain physical and mental health. In addition, the micro-cluster technology will change nutrients W+ become smaller and more delicate, allowing nutrients absorbed quickly and help women become healthier in terms of internal, more beautiful and younger of external.

女性恢复青春的秘方 ~ W+
W+ 是一个专为女性研制的恢复青春秘方,结合了多种天然植物萃取物,再注入了日本崭新科技微矿化营养技术(Micro-Mineralised Nutrient Technology, MMNT)或称之为微集群(micro-cluster)技术,帮助调节女性荷尔蒙的分泌并平衡体内荷尔蒙,逆转衰老,让女性身心保持年轻的健康状态。除 此之外,微集群技术将W+的营养物质变更细更小,让营养素迅速被细胞吸收,帮助女性内在健康,外在青春又美丽。

Pueraria Mirifica 

  • Miroestrol and Deoxymiroestrol in Pueraria Mirifica can promote blood circulation of the breast, breast size develop and enhance the formation of fibroblasts and collagen breast. After consume, it will help to achieve the ultimate size of breast, breast firming, fighting the dark areola and smooth the skin of breast.
  • Role structure of Miroestrol and Deoxymiroestrol similar to human estrogen, so menopausal women consumed can relieve the symptoms of menopause.
  • It also activates the cells that have been aging, promoting protein synthesis, and makes the skin more radiant and elastic.
  • 白高颗中的Miroestrol 和Deoxymiroestrol 可以促进乳房血液循环,再次刺激乳腺发育,进而使得乳房的纤维细胞及胶原蛋白合成增加。服用后可以让乳房更丰满,乳房坚固挺有弹性,乳晕红润,乳房周围的皮肤更细致柔软。
  • Miroestrol 和Deoxymiroestrol 的结构作用与人体雌激素很相似,因此,更年期妇女服用后可改善妇女更年期症状。
  • 它也促进已衰老的细胞再活化,促进蛋白质的合成,因而使皮肤变亮丽有弹性。

  • Promote breast growth, relieve symptoms of menopause and premenstrual syndrome improves.
  • Treat constipation, improve digestive problems, diabetes control, lowering cholesterol and relieve sore throat and cough.
  • 促进女性乳房发育、乳腺组织成长,舒缓更年期症状、改善经前综合症。
  • 治疗便秘、消化不良,控制糖尿病,降低胆固醇,舒缓喉咙痛和咳嗽。
Fennel Seed 

  • Improves neurovascular gastrointestinal function, promotes the secretion of digestive juices, increases gastrointestinal motility, remove the gas accumulated in the body, so effectively to the health of the stomach and promotes blood circulation.
  • Suitable for women of menstrual pain.
  • 能刺激胃肠神经血管,促进消化液分泌,增加胃肠蠕动,排除积存的气体,所以有健胃、行气的功效。
  • 适合经痛女性服用。
Wild Yam 

  • Improve skin moisture, making the skin more smooth and elastic.
  • Called “essence of youth” in Japan, always eat can slow down the aging process and makes the skin smooth and radiant.
  • Effective to prevent the precipitation of lipids in the blood vessel wall, prevent cardiovascular disease.
  • 提升肌肤保湿功能,让皮肤光滑有弹性。
  • 在日本被称作“青春素”,常吃能延缓衰老,皮肤细腻有光泽。
  • 能有效阻止血脂在血管壁的沉淀,预防心血管疾病。

  • Dandelion root plays an important role in producing sufficient milk (after childbirth).
  • Dandelion root has anti-inflammatory, anti-viral and highly effective in the treatment of mastitis.
  • It also helps a diuretic and blood purifying.
  • 蒲公英根有显著的催乳作用。
  • 蒲公英根有良好的抗炎、抗病毒作用,对治疗乳腺炎十分有效。
  • 同时,也帮助利尿和净化血液。
Blessed Thistle

  • Prevent damage to the liver, forming a protective film layer to the liver cells and block the toxins from damaging the liver.
  • Regulating menstrual period for women who are not on time.
  • 预防肝损伤,对肝脏细胞形成一层保护膜,阻挡毒性物质入侵损害肝脏。
  • 调理女性经期不准问题。


W+ function from the perspective of:

  • Improve the symptoms of menopause such as hot flashes, night sweats, emotional, increasing of heart beats, and others
  • Better relationship between spouses
  • increase the chances of pregnancy
  • improve menstrual pain problems
  • prevent uterus tumors, breast cancer and other problems
  • Lowering cholesterol levels
  • Fuller and firmer breasts
  • Buttocks become more plump and compact
  • The skin becomes smooth and fair
  • Lighten dark spots
  • slim and attractive
  • shiny hair
  • Healthy nails
  • smooth heel
W+ 恢复青春之:

  • 改善更年期症状如:潮热、盗汗、情绪不稳定、心慌胸闷等
  • 夫妻关系更融洽
  • 提升受孕机会
  • 改善经痛问题
  • 预防子宫瘤,乳房肿瘤等问题
  • 降低胆固醇
  • 乳房更丰满,坚固挺和有弹性
  • 结实坚挺的臀部
  • 皮肤变更幼滑,更亮白
  • 淡化黑斑
  • 身材变更窈窕
  • 光泽亮丽的秀发
  • 健康的指甲
  • 光滑脚跟


How to consume W+?

  1. Start to consume on the first day of menstruation and up to ten days in a row. Take 2 packets a day, morning and night respectively and continue this practice for the next menstrual cycle.
  2. Menopausal women taking one packet per day.
  3. Pour powder W+ under the tongue, dilute with oral fluid, then absorb the nutrients products slowly.
** Pregnant women are not encouraged to consume.
After consume the W+, you may experience the following physical reactions:

Physical reaction Reasons Treatment
Diarrhea Excessive bad bacteria in the large intestine. Drink water; eat vegetables and fruits in abundance. Lots of exercise. Consume W+ from the first day of menstruation, 2 packets a day until the tenth day in a row, then continue again on next menstrual cycle.
Fart a lot, chest tightness, nausea, feel like vomiting Weak of digestion system, hormone imbalances. Consume W+ from the first day of menstruation, 2 packets a day until the tenth consecutive day (after meal), then continue again on next menstrual cycle.
Acne, red skin dotted, sweating Liver function deteriorates, too many toxins in the body, hormone imbalance. Drink water, eat vegetables and fruits in abundance. Lots of exercise. Consume W+ from the first day of menstruation, 2 packets a day until the tenth day in a row, then continue again on next menstrual cycle.
Easily tired, like to sleep, hand and foot pain Body’s pH acidic, decreased liver function, stress, over fatigue or taking too many drugs. Consume W+ from the first day of menstruation, 1 packet per day until the tenth day in a row (at night), then continue again on the next menstrual cycle. Drink water, eat vegetables and fruits in abundance. Reduce intake of meat and have sufficient rest.
Dizziness, tiredness, want to sleep, weakness, easy to feel hungry Low blood sugar, anemia. During the burning of fat, blood sugar will drop. Consume W+ from the first day of menstruation, 2 packets a day until the tenth consecutive day (after meal), then continue again on next menstrual cycle.
Mild fever, very enthusiastic, hard to sleep at night Promote blood circulation, increase body metabolism, producing energy, increase body temperature. Drink plenty of water, consume the W+ from the first day of menstruation, 1 packet per day until the tenth consecutive day (morning), then continue again on next menstrual cycle.
Hands and feet numb, stiff Bad blood circulation, lack of calcium. Drink more milk or intake high calcium diet, consume the W+ from the first day of menstruation, 2 packets a day until the tenth day in a row, then continue again on next menstrual cycle.
Facial and leg swelling, weight gain Deterioration of renal function and heart. Light diet, consume W+ from the first day of menstruation, 2 packets a day until the tenth day in a row, then continue again on next menstrual cycle.
Breast pain and tenderness Activating the estrogen receptor. Consume W+ from the first day of menstruation, 2 packets a day until the tenth day in a row, and then continue again on the next menstrual cycle.
Abnormal and excessive white discharge Regulating hormone levels in the body, remove toxins in the body. Consume W+ from the first day of menstruation, 2 packets a day until the tenth day in a row, and then continue again on next menstrual cycle.
Early or delay of menstruation Regulating hormone levels in the body. Consume W+ from the first day of menstruation, 1 packet per day until the tenth day in a row, and then continue again on next menstrual cycle.
**Every individual has different physical reactions because of the condition of health of each individual is not the same.

如何服用W+ ?

  1. 从经期第一天开始服用连续十天,服用一天两包,早晚各一包。一直到下个月月经来时再继续服用。
  2. 停经妇女一天服用一包。
  3. 将W+ 粉末倒入舌头下方,用口液溶化粉末,再慢慢吸收产品的营养。
** 不鼓励孕妇服用。

冥眩反应 原因 处理方法
腹泻 大肠坏菌过多。 多喝水,多吃蔬菜和水果,多做运动。服用W+从经期第一天开始服用两包连续十天,至到下次月经周期开始。
放屁过多,胸口发闷,甚至恶心、打呃、作呕 肠胃不好,荷尔蒙失调。 服用W+从经期第一天开始服用两包连续十天(餐后服用),至到下次月经周期开始。
冒青春痘,皮肤长出红斑,排汗量大 肝脏机能衰退,毒素太多,荷尔蒙失调 多喝水,多吃蔬菜和水果,多做运动。服用W+从经期第一天开始服用两包连续十天,至到下次月经周期开始。
容易疲倦,爱睡觉,手脚酸疼 体质酸性,肝脏机能衰退,压力,疲劳或服药太多所至。 服用W+从经期第一天开始服用一包连续十天(晚间服用),至到下次月经周期开始。多喝水,多吃蔬菜和水果,少吃肉类,足够的休息。
晕眩,容易疲累,晕睡,虚弱,容易饥饿 低血糖或贫血。脂肪燃烧时,血糖会降低。 服用W+从经期第一天开始服用两包连续十天(餐后服用),至到下次月经周期开始。
轻微发烧,轻微兴奋,非常精神,晚间比较难眠 促进血液循环,使新陈代谢提高,产生热能,增加体温。 多喝水,服用W+从经期第一天开始服用一包连续十天(早上服用),至到下次月经周期开始。
手脚麻痹,抽痉 血液循环不良,缺钙。 多喝牛奶或吃钙质食物,服用W+从经期第一天开始服用两包连续十天,至到下次月经周期开始。
脸部浮肿,脚肿,体重增加 肾脏机能衰退,心脏机能衰退。 饮食清淡,服用W+从经期第一天开始服用两包连续十天,至到下次月经周期开始。
乳房胀痛 活化激发雌激素感官腺。 服用W+从经期第一天开始服用两包连续十天,至到下次月经周期开始。
白带异常、白带增多 调理体内雌激素水平,排除体内毒素。 服用W+从经期第一天开始服用两包连续十天,至到下次月经周期开始。
经期提前或推迟 调理体内雌激素水平。 服用W+从经期第一天开始服用一包连续十天,至到下次月经周期开始。

W+ 的服用方式 = 倒在舌头底下用口水融化

1 发育期 (12-18岁) 来月经的第一天开始服用到第七天停 “一天一包”

2 青春期 (18岁以上) 来月经的第一天开始服用到第十天听“一天2包早晚各一包“

3 更年期 / 切除子宫妇女 每天服用一包 或者 早晚各一包 都可以, 以个人体质而定。

4 刚生产的妇女,生完第4天即可开始吃 早晚各一包 连续吃3盒子 (30天)至满月。

5 乱经的女性, 如果不定日子来的,如果记得最后一次的经期就跟着上一个的经期日子
服用,如果不记得了,就随便选一个日子开始服用 早晚各一包 连续10天,
Example : 最后一次是 1/1/2015, 那么下个月就是1/2/2015 开始服用。
如果不记得了 就随便选一个日子开始 就是 15/2/2015开始,
然后 01/3/2015来,那么下一次的服用日子是01/04/2014开始服用。

6 如果3个月才来一次的女性,服用方式是 3x30 / 3 =  吃30天停 60天。

7 如果6个月才来一次的女性,服用方式是 6x30 / 3 = 吃 60天 停 120天。

8 男性若要服用建议 两个星期只服用一天 早晚各一包 可以预防落发和让皮肤比较滑。


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wechat: William-lee9

wechat: liz_heng

E-mail: lizheng@findwo.com

buy online : www.findwo.com

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